Studying Advanced Pharmacy Technology at Roane State

If you are looking to study at one of the pharmacy technician schools in Oakwood, TN, you know there are several options in the area. To help, we’re sharing some details about becoming a pharmacy technician at Roane State in Oakwood, Tennessee.

What Does the Program Offer?

Studying to become a pharmacy technician at Roane State takes place over two semesters, after which you can apply to take the taking the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) examination. Students complete a total of 26 total certificate hours on the course.

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The curriculum covers all the necessary subjects for successfully taking the final exam, from pharmacology and therapeutics to pharmacy calculations, to pharmacy law and ethics. The program is located at the Oak Ridge Branch Campus, which has been in place for over 20 years and includes a library.

The Roane State pharmacy technician program is also accredited by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP).

What Are the Benefits?

There are numerous benefits to studying to become a pharmacy technician at Roane State:

  • The pass rate was at 100% in both 2018 and 2019. This shows effective training which will be helpful for succeeding in the students’ subsequent employment.
  • The program uses PioneerRx, an enhanced computer software specially designed for pharmaceutical work. Students are able to gain hands-on learning experience.

What Are the Drawbacks?

There are some aspects to the course which could be seen as a drawback: 

  • As with many of the pharmacy technician schools in Oakwood, TN, the cost of the course’s physical exams is not free. There are other costs such as lab coats, scrubs, and the name tag for directed practice, which are also not included.
  • Applications will be accepted until the program is filled, which means that if you are a slow decision-maker, you may have to apply sooner than you would prefer.

The Round-Up

If you hope to enroll at one of the pharmacy technician schools in Tennessee, we think you should consider studying pharmacy technician at Roane State. Students will be prepared to take their national certificate after just two semesters of work. Although other programs in the area offer more credit hours and even more comprehensive training, the course at Roane State nonetheless covers a wide range of subjects.

We recommend scheduling a campus visit before enrolling, so you have an opportunity to learn about the program from administration, faculty, and other students.

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